Just Got Home

10:17 PM

I`m back after a month of living the parsonage life. Winking smile

I never thought I`d ever love living like this even for a while.  But God was very gracious…and he completely blew my mind away with His plans.


Floral wallpapered dining room


I thought I would get bored, but what happened was the opposite. My sisters, Ferdie (our guitarist) and the other young people who comes during weekdays had a great time talking just about anything.


|  We talked about it all, learned from each other and I believe we grew stronger in our relationship as a team and as a body of Christ because of that.


Now, I`m back and we`re unpacking… (I can`t believe we`ve brought too much stuff enough to fill the four-seater back of the van.) That means we`ve got plenty of stuff to sort and put back into their rightful places. In fact, I`m sitting in the couch now with two bags behind me and another two beside me. Bags are everywhere!


I hope you have a great dinner tonight, friends. Meanwhile, I have to go and see what we`ve got for dinner. I think Ava will cook the Arabian Dried Fish like the ones we had for breakfast this morning. I didn`t know there was such a thing but  I tell you, it was so good. Only that vinegar don`t get absorbed easily when you dip it in. You would have to prepare a lot of vinegar to get the sour taste.


Have a great night!

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