Everything Is For Him

11:26 PM

“Do you find yourself transitioning out of inspiration and into intimidation when you read blogs, magazines or just spend time perusing the web?”

A Creative Mint

I was browsing through design blogs when I read this opening statement from an article on Heather Thompson`s blog.


I`ve been experiencing this lately…perhaps, ever since I started browsing all over the web not just for Christian blogs but for design and editing sites I need for my job.


Perhaps, bloggers can attest to this that sometimes we feel intimidated with other blogs and bloggers who are getting good readership and who are doing so well in the craft. When I look at famous blogs, I sometimes wish I have this and that, if only I could do this and that…


At one point, I started to look at my stats every now and then and felt so frustrated that I only get few pageviews in a day.


At the end of the day, I realized one thing. One just cannot lose grip of the purpose of why you are doing the things that you do.


I write because I want to give glory to God. I want to show how wonderfully He`s moving in my life everyday. Things cannot be grand as I always expect them to be. But God speaks and uses me even in mundane things and ordinary days.


When you are always in touch of why you are doing the things you do, you wouldn`t have any reason to stop. You just keep going and going…even though where you want to go and what you want to become seems far, far away.


Write for the audience of One. We aren`t supposed to become people pleasers, but to please the One who has called us for Himself.


Have a great day, friends!

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  1. I truly feel you on that! Its easy to get caught up and compare yourself to others! But I have to remind myself that even though I don't have thousands or even hundreds of people following me...I should still share my knowledge and point of view as if I do! You just never know who you may touch!

  2. @Yolanda "Yogi" Allen Hi Yogi! Sorry for replying really, really late! Yeah... We just never know who we may touch... I love that! Let`s keep going and going!



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