A Designer-In-The-Making

3:16 AM

I read a tweet tonight from my very dear friend, Alyssa Chua (a Rebelutionary, who was one of the 2 girls who did hard things to get Alex and Brett Harris` book Do Hard Things published in the Philippines), that her sister Damaris just got her dress created by Garmz.com and is already being sold on their website! How cool is that?




I really, really want the dress for myself.Winking smile I`m not just saying that because I know the girls but doesn`t it look so pretty and girly?




I`m not paid for this, but if you like the dress, you can get it here for 79 Euros. hihi


And I found some more pretty clothes on the site! Not to mention, these are all created by budding designers. We really have awesome talent out there just waiting to be discovered…






So, girls (and guys), let`s use our God given talents for His glory and not give up! The Dream Giver is also as excited as you live your destiny!



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