My Weekly Reading List 1.2

12:05 AM

sweet_girls_illustration_on_romance_novel_cover_bi1347I`ve been away for so long! It`s been a very busy week, but a very enthralling one, by the way! My Dad asked me to come with him, my Mom and another church elder to this Pastors Conference downtown and God was so amazing!


I was expecting big things to happen, but God showed me even more. Will tell you about that in another post `cause I would write down a whole page and forget that I`m supposed to write down my reading list to share with you.


Well, here`s what I`ve been reading this week. I`ve been copy and pasting this since Monday, but I guess I missed a few. So sorry about that. I`ll try to be more faithful doing this in the coming weeks.


Anyway, my fave for the week was Kuya Kevin`s The Power of A Modest Woman. I was reminded that modesty and purity is  an essential part of a lady`s feminine glory…And boys who don`t value that shouldn`t be considered. Okay, Kuya Kevin didn`t say the last statement. haha That was me.


It is very important for girls to be modest, not only to preserve themselves (I mean, ourselves) and to be holy before God, but this is also something that would test the motives and the heart of the guys who are pursuing us. I would feel very honored to be loved for what`s inside my heart rather than because of physical appearance or skills, with a love that`s unconditional. I`m sure you also feel the same way.


1. The Power of A Modest Woman,

2. Collected Wisdom, Noel Piper.

3.What Parts of My Childhood Faith Must I Left Behind, Andrea Lucado.

4. Molly Piper`s blog. I started reading through everything in her blog when I first read her post about her second baby`s death. So encouraging!

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  1. I am not one who does a lot of reading, but I think it's great that you are providing a list of recommended reading. I have a daughter that is 13 y.o. and although she has difficult with her words and reading, these may be some ideas for her. Thank you for sharing:)

  2. @MaryThank you so much for the encouragement, Mary!

    I suddenly remembered myself as a 13-year old! How I loved learning about many things... ;) Hope your daughter will enjoy these. Praying for you both! *hugs*

  3. Hi Cathy, nice to see you wrote something again. :) Remember me?

    Anyway, do you also go to VCF?

    I would also be making my book list later but let me recommend a really nice read from John Ortberg. His book "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat" really inspired me. Ortberg books are easy to read and truly inspiring. :)

    the practical fashionista

  4. Thanks for the list...I've been looking for a few good reads. Also, I recently discovered your blog and I just want to let you know how lovely it is! Keep up the great work & continue to let God be the inspiration within all that you do!

    God Bless,

  5. @jenny Hi Jenny! Of course, I remember you! haha No, I don't go to VCF. I attend a different church (the one my Dad is pastoring), but I do have many friends from VCF. ;)

    Soon, I'll be making a list of books I love for all time. I've been writing down recent reads. I do love John Ortberg! You've read God Is Closer Than You Think, don't you? :)

    Thank you so much, girl! God bless you!

  6. @BellaChristiana Thank you so much for the encouragement! ;) *hugs*



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