Asian Spice Girl or Ambassador of Christ?
1:15 AM Last Friday, Viola got a call back for an international girl band audition. Everyone in the house was surprised `cause we never really expected it at all.
Viola told me how she had been praying and asking God to show Him his will, not for her, but for the nations. We were at the premiere of 1040 where Jaeson Ma kept on saying that instead of praying for God`s will for our lives individually, we should pray for God`s will for our generation and tell Him that we want to be a part of it. Since then, Viola said she`d been praying “Lord, give me the nations. Give me the nations.” It was her dream to sing and tell the world about Jesus. So when we learned about the call back, we thought that maybe it was God`s answer for her prayers.
So yesterday, Papa and Viola went to The Manila Peninsula for the live auditions. There were 30 girls who were asked to sing live, chosen from video auditions that had been sent online. At the end of the day, the top 10 was chosen, but Viola didn`t make the cut.
When Papa and Viola got home, I didn`t see even a bit of frustration in them. They both learned that the girl band audition was actually for some kind of a Spice Girl thing and you know Spice Girls. Viola wasn`t for it—the dancing, the outfit and all.
But I was so blessed because of the stories they have with them. Even if Viola didn`t win, God had a purpose why He brought her there. His purpose is really higher than what what we could ever come up with our finite minds.
If you have auditioned for TV or music or anything, you know how heartbreaking it is to fail. People who get a call back are considered lucky. Many go home with less confidence that when they came in. Star searches can be a mean world for a fragile soul. Sadly, many girls and boys aren`t so strong for this kind of tough and merciless competition.
Yesterday, somehow, God has used Viola in the lives of the girls who were with her. She was sharing about her faith boldly and why she was auditioning. She was sharing about Jesus. In fact, she was even able to share that in front of the judges. Later on, she tried to comfort the girls, who like her, didn`t make it to the cut. At the end of the day, even if she didn`t win, you see God`s hand moving and doing His will.
Sometimes, it`s like that. God brings us into special situations only to find out that He placed us there to share about him to somebody. If Viola didn`t win but brought one soul closer to Christ, God`s purpose still prevailed. In the end, she didn`t lose but she became an instrument for God`s greater purpose. All things still work together for good. At the end of the day, Viola may not have made it to the auditions but she became an ambassador of the Jesus Christ to some of the most talented girls of this generation.
And I think that is so much more amazing than becoming an Asian Spice Girl. Right? ;)