
Sweet List 1.4 Cupcake Party

3:12 PM

It`s only a few days away till the new year begins and I`m sure you`re pretty much excited for what`s ahead. Anyway, here`s another list of pretty things for you to enjoy —maybe my last list for the year!


It`s been six months since I started out this blog and I`m very thankful for all of you, my readers, for staying and supporting. Praying that God will bless your 2011 with much blessings, happiness, and love.














1. Baking Party from Amy Atlas.

2. Cupcake Wrapper Garland tutorial still from Amy Atlas.

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  1. I love the pictures for this post! They are very cute. :) I really like the design of your blog. I haven't seen a blog like this before with the picture of the woman at the top and the text. I like it. Do you know of a good site to get a banner for a blog?

    Well if you would like to check out my blog and follow it you can!


    I am going to follow yours! Have a great new year!

  2. @Natalie

    Hi Natalie! Thank you for you kind comments! You can find good templates for your blog at btemplates.com and allblogtools.com. As for the header, the good thing is you can design your own using Photoshop or Illustrator or have a friend do it for you and change the header on the design tab in your dashboard.

    I`ll check out your blog! Thanks for adding me up! Wishing you the best! God bless!

  3. Hi Cathy! You're welcome.. :) Thank you for all the great suggestions! I ended up changing my background a little bit. I really want to get Photoshop for all the pictures I put in my posts. Maybe I will.

    Thanks for adding me! It's nice meeting creative people like yourself! Have a great day.

  4. Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

    - David

  5. @Anonymous Thanks for the word, David. Very much appreciated. I'll check it out using a phone and will figure out what I can do. Thank you!



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