
Christmas Décor Ideas 1.2

4:33 AM




Here’s Part 2 of the Christmas Décor Ideas Series. Happy CHRISTmas!




Stop in the hurry of Christmas and listen for the angels’ song

Stand in the quiet and hear His voice



With your heart, hold on to Jesus

For the hope He brought is living on

And the song that warmed the winter night

Still changes lives




Joy to the world! The Lord is come

Joy to the world! Let your heart prepare Him room

We receive our King

Let heaven and nature sing!



1. Tulip centerpiece from Country Living. This looks really, really lovely!

2. Starry, pink Christmas balls used as fillers for a fruit tower.

3. Hot Pink Christmas Table setting. Noticed the silver berries? Silver, Crystal and Pink always look good together, don’t they?

4. Modern Christmas mantle from House To Home.

5. White Mini Christmas Tree also from Country Living.

6. I find this candle design from Martha Stewart very creative. The frost on the glass containers look sweet and .classy. Something I would want to decorate my home right now! ;)

7. Christmas Tree ornament idea from Country Living.

8. Tropical Christmas. I like how fresh flowers is used here. Also from Country Living.

*Lyrics from the song “Joy” by Avalon.


More photos coming up.

See you in the next post. Thanks for dropping by.

Happy Holidays!

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