
Christmas Stories and More

10:09 PM


I`m sorry for not being around in a like a couple weeks. I went for a holiday break and I must say that it`s really been a good one although it`s one that`s unconventional and which I didn`t expect.


Anyway, here`s what I`ve been up to during my Christmas break.


1. Shopped for Christmas Decorations. I didn`t realize there are A LOT of good stuff in the Philippine market! Our was going around Our Home with my sister and we couldn`t get enough of all those crystal decors you find in western interior design mags (which was way too expensive, by the way, so we just stared at them!). Had a great time trying to fit with a budget. I love the challenge! Makes you think more creatively and resourcefully.


2. Attended Simbang Gabi (Early Morning Christmas Services). Our church made a Christian version of the Filipino tradition and held it for 5 days but I only got attend four because on the 4th day, I had flu and I couldn`t get up from bed at 4am!




3. Did a little Christmas shopping. My Mom and Dad gave me a treat and I bought a pair of wedges and the 2011 Diary I`ve been wanting to have for Christmas!


4. Christmas Dinner in Nanay Tess` house. Her family isn`t with her for Christmas so my fam decided to spend the Christmas Eve dinner in her house. It was a bit weird not to prepare dinner in our own house but it was so great knowing that we made her happy last night.


This year`s celebration was not like the traditional Christmas my family had been doing for years, but sure is one of the most meaning because we lived the day to make other people smile. Just like the same night Jesus came to the world putting others above himself—thinking about us.


So how`s your Christmas? What`s your story? How did you see Jesus in your holiday celebrations? I would love to hear from you!

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