
Contentment: 1,000 Gifts

11:00 PM



One thing I realized while shopping today: Shopping during the holiday  season can stir up discontentment in the heart. Seeing all these pretty things, all these bags, and perfume, and clothes all lined up at the mall`s entrance… They entice you, don`t they?  I sure made a second look—and a third!--over scents that I really love—even though I still have a couple of really good perfumes back home. My sister Ava made more than three looks, and perhaps stayed over the counter to stare at it for a while! haha When you see something good, it’s so hard to keep your eyes off them!



Images from { www.79ideas.org }


After much staring, we didn`t buy it; but decided to come back later when we have brought everything we need.


I look at the people doing Christmas shopping today. I saw a man holding up a wreath, maybe trying to picture in his mind how it would look in his home. I saw a father and daughter buying a lot of shoes and clothes for themselves. And I overheard another man, telling his child that they don`t have enough money to buy everything he asks for.


Everyone has his own wants. Everyone wants to buy something to satisfy Himself. We want to reward ourselves because it`s Christmas!


While lining up to pay for what Ava and I brought, I suddenly thought about Mary and Joseph. During the first Christmas, maybe they`re not the richest people. Not the couple who could afford a holiday hotel room. Not the couple who could afford a hospital room for Mary as she gives birth.


But even though they look poor in the eyes of the entire world, I believe they are the richest human beings ever. They held Jesus in their hands that night. They have something bigger than anything in the world, even more precious and costly than the entire world itself! On that very first Christmas, they held God`s greatest gift. God`s beloved Son, Jesus.


So whatever gift or riches I don`t have for Christmas, THEY DON`T MATTER. What matters is what God has blessed me with. I am a blessed girl, by the way! `Cause I have the greatest gift right here, in my heart. I have Jesus!


That makes me the richest and happiest girl this Christmas! Makes you, too!


Merry Christmas!


109. Contentment!

110. Beautiful decors we brought today.

111. My cute sister, Ava, whom I love to shop and dine with. We share the same likes in many things.

112. Friends we met again today—Mon, Kuya Olan, Kiera, Laarni, Tita Glo and Doc Ellen.

IMG_6247113. McDonald`s Crispy chicken sandwich which is my fave—and which I had Ava try for the first time.

114. Awesome Roasted Chicken dinner last time from Pastor Lita.

115. Christmas lights! I love them

116. My beautiful Savior. Thank you, Lord for coming to earth.

117. Friendships I share with the people in church. They`re like family.

118. Snowflakes template I found on the web. You wouldn`t believe how lovely they look. I`ll post a picture soon!


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