
Christmas Lights: Decorating Ideas

3:15 AM

We`re planning to decorate this weekend or in the next coming week, but still don`t have an idea how to do it! The past years, we adorned our huge palm tree in the garden with rain-like lights and it was fabulous. Thanks to my Uncle for the idea.


I was looking up on Martha Stewart`s website tonight  and I found this lovely things you can do with Christmas lights. If only we`ve got a big yard, I would do all of these in there!


Note: Remember to make sure you`ve got quality lights to avoid fires.


Have a great weekend!


mld10644_1210_6_light_tree_023_xl                                                         Light Tree for walls





                                                                     Barn Lights


la103058_1207_shstars_xl                                                                 Shooting Stars

                                                        Don`t you love this?!!

                                                                   Candy Cane




All photos are from the Martha Stewart website.

Instructions are also found there.

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  1. Great ideas! We are trying to decide how to decorate for our first Christmas here in Belize.

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