

10:45 AM

"Not to us, not to us, but to give glory to Your name." 

I find comfort whenever I repeat these words in my head over and over.  My sister who’s a worship leader would always say that she has only done her task well when people are led into God’s presence in worship and they do not notice how well (or not!) she sang. I always find comfort in hearing that~in being reminded that it’s really not and never about me, how I look or how I perform.  

In my heart I know I’m made for something greater. But greater doesn’t look like how the world expects it to be. Greater wouldn’t make me famous or take me into the limelight. It wouldn’t bring praises from people or make me gain approval of men. Greater is not what we expect it to be because greater is not about me.

Greater is me fading so that Jesus can shine bright. Sometimes it means loving and not being loved back, giving but not getting anything in return, serving and not being served.  Sometimes greater is sleepless nights and muddy roads, empty wallets and empty stomachs. Greater is not position or affluence. Greater is following God no matter where He leads--for His glory and not ours. Greater is God working through us and we giving Him the glory and not taking it for ourselves. Greater is less of me so that there can be more of Him. 

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” -John 3:30

May I always find comfort in fading into your sidelines, Jesus. 

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